@kevin based on your question, allow me to go on a bit of a tangent:
Browsers have a very consistent (if possibly special) way of aligning baselines. It seems as if the text is always centred within the total line-height.
I design primarily for the web, and the font we use (Aktiv Grotesk from TypeKit) renders fine on the web, but is misaligned within the bounding box in a tool like Sketch. This makes my work unreliable.
I've gone through the maddening process of rendering a string of text at every font size we use in both HTML and in Sketch, then comparing the difference. Sketch's version is skewed towards the bottom and seems to grow linearly with the font size.
In order to save myself from madness, I created symbols in sketch for every font size, and now use those to lay out text in a way that the browser will match.
It should go without saying that this process is absolutely backwards, and I wish I didn't have to do it. This is one of the numerous issues that made me feel compelled to fund Subform in hopes of seeing solved.
If Subform had one of the following, it would set itself apart from the competition on this front:
- Presets to emulate the line rendering of each platform (would require research into the respective platforms' way of rendering text)
- A way to set a custom offset for the baseline, as mentioned by someone else here. Seeing as the offset is not constant, but grows linearly, this would also require a feature like "test styles" in order to allow me to figure out the offsets once and never again.
I would honestly also be curious to find out if browsers, iOS and Android actually have similar ways of rendering lines, as I have never noticed the aberrations that can be seen in design tools like Sketch. If they do, that'd be an even bigger incentive to emulate their model, I think.