@kevin I disagree with the reasoning you quoted.
I design only web products, we have separate app designers and developers in house for that. So my perspective and needs are almost exclusively based on what's possible and needed for the web.
My job does not consist of only creating components and styles, but also creating a reliably working information hierarchy that talks to the user on his way down a page. Layout is what makes that possible.
If a complex page needs a radically different approach on a mobile device then I have to design that approach, and design it well. I need to be able to show our stakeholders, who have no idea about design, that the page collapses functionally and beautifully no matter the device they bring to the meeting. For example I need to be able to move form fields around on different screens, depending on the viewport width. That includes being able to show that to the stakeholders in a live prototype, before development. They themselves will scale their browsers, so my design better react well to whatever they try to test it.
If your vision of subform does not include designing responsive layouts than I erred in backing it. I can design adapting components in sketch, webflow and figma. Components in relation to each other is only possible in Antetype, Pinegrow and Webflow so far (and code of course).
A responsive design tool should be able to create output that mirrors current and future web products, and that includes breakpoints and layout flow.