2016.12.23 Subform release bb1f015



Hi friends,

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

A new release of Subform is available:

OS X: Subform-0.0.0+bb1f015.dmg

Windows: Subform Setup 0.0.0+bb1f015.exe

Since the last release:


  • Background images are now limited to 1MB because otherwise they will make your file super-slow. Files that contain larger images won't be affected. This is a temporary measure to keep people out of trouble and will be removed in the future once Subform's semantics settle down enough that I can focus on perf. Thanks @rrbarry11 for sending me a private message and file that brought this issue to my attention.


  • Box names are now retained when you convert the box to a component (unless that name is already taken by an existing component, in which case a unique name will be auto-generated). Thanks @toby_burkill! Topic.

  • Allow shift-arrow hotkeys to be used while editing text (rather than reordering the text child). Thanks @toby_burkill! Topic.

  • Visually truncate long strings in the text data panel:

    Thanks @toby_burkill! Topic.

  • An alert will be raised when trying to load a file fails. Thanks @kevin! You're welcome!


  • Errors are no longer thrown when trying to reorder via hotkey an only child (including artboards). Thanks @toby_burkill! Topic.

  • The save confirmation modal dialog now works properly with multiple documents and non-hotkey closes. The buttons are also now ordered according to OS X and Windows conventions. Thanks @lars! Topic.

Still no text wrap?
Where is latest download?