2018.01.01 Subform release 4322



Hi friends,

Happy new year!

A new release of Subform is available:

OS X: Subform-4322.0.0+46e5b08.dmg

Windows: Subform Setup 4322.0.0+46e5b08.exe

Since the last release:


  • The rendering engine has been optimized, showing an order of magnitude better performance in our internal benchmarks.


  • Hotkeys for changing component states in the context menu were added back in. Thanks @rrbarry11 for the report!



You might want to change the title of that post :slight_smile: Happy new year.


Thanks, Christian. Fixed. :slight_smile:


Happy new year guys!
Back to work for me so I’ll dive back into dabbling in Subform :slight_smile:
