Copy/paste color with #


Hi, I have a suggestion for a feature already seen in a lot of software:

Now, in Subform, when I copy a hex color code with the hash, and paste it in a color input, the color input mantains the hash and because of the limit of 6 chars, the last character becomes the lost character :slight_smile:

My suggestion is to ignore the pasted # and compile the input only with the effective code.


2016.11.21 Subform release 6bdeabc

Hi @anna.pallotti that's a good suggestion, thanks for taking the time to write. I spent the last 45 min on this to:

  • allow pasting of values with or without a leading hex
  • allowing 3-letter hex values
  • adding validation so that the field turns red if you type something that cannot be interpreted as a hex color.

These improvements will appear in the next release. Thanks!
