Free-form Snapping [features] (3)
Em and Rem support [features] (13)
Clicking on an input field should select all [features] (4)
Unexpected arrangement in Layer Tree [questions] (5)
2018.01.15 Subform release 4358 [announcements] (3)
Components text labels should support different values [bugs] (3)
Import image not working [bugs] (3)
Sizing input box controls [features] (7)
2018.01.01 Subform release 4322 [announcements] (6)
Tree panel needs horizontal scrolling [features] (8)
Convert to Component showing up in Dialog window [bugs] (7)
Moving Self-Directed Objects in the Workspace [questions] (2)
Typing "F" into an input causes UI to show/hide [bugs] (6)
2017.12.18 Subform release 4303 [announcements] (10)
Shift Select Multiple layer rows [features] (5)
Requesting more in-depth typography control [features] (5)
Saved/Unsaved Indicator [features] (6)
Snap to option and Guides? [features] (4)
How to create a hugged text container [questions] (11)
Adding component looses text values [questions] (4)
Aspect ratio grid - possible? [questions] (2)
Small feature request here [bugs] (3)
Copy of Component moves with the original [questions] (6)
Reimporting an image after editing the image shows the old version of the image [bugs] (5)
2017.12.04 Subform release 4240 [announcements] (5)
How to make gradients [questions] (3)
Cannot rename text layer [bugs] (3)
Copy components from file to file [questions] (2)
Variable height? [questions] (2)
Edit offsets and sizes by CTRL+clicking on HUD pink rectangles [features] (2)